Never Forget
Never Forget

Georgia State Defense Force Soldiers serve during the Silent Tribute mission, Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, Ga., May 29, 2021.
Georgia State Defense Force photo by Maj. James LeMay
By Maj. James LeMay
Commander, 2nd Battalion/1st Brigade, Georgia State Defense Force
It’s Memorial Day weekend.
Some of us will take some much-deserved time off. Others will finally get a chance to see family and friends… in person… It’s all good.
But for the Georgia State Defense Force 2nd battalion/1st brigade (2/1), we’ll lace up our boots, square away our uniforms, and head to the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton. It’s holy ground, and it’s an honor to serve.
The Silent Tribute is a mission the 2/1 has done for more than a decade. It’s unique in every way. We know when we show up in uniform, for many, we’ll represent a memory, a flashback, a reminder of the loss and sacrifice. It’s not “lost” on any of us.
We know our mission is to provide traffic control and a uniformed presence.
But every year, it’s much more than that.
As people make their way to the cemetery in cars, and some just walking, they will often stop and say, “thank you.” Others will talk to you about a lost loved one. They tell you, with pride, how he or she was so amazing. We make sure to offer a sympathetic ear and warm support.
Georgia State Defense Force Soldiers serve during the Silent Tribute mission, Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, Ga., May 29, 2021.
Georgia State Defense Force photo by Maj. James LeMay
A Story to Tell
All of us have a story we’ll never forget.
It’s the widow who will ask you to help her out of her car. She’s clearly emotional and a bit unsteady. You take her outstretched hand and help her find the grave she’s looking for. It’s a slow and quiet walk. When you find the spot, it’s hard to keep a dry eye. Out of respect, you slowly step away and let her spend her time privately.
Every one of us who serves on this mission has a story like this.
It’s a constant reminder of how powerful this place is.
It’s humbling.
Never Forget
Please enjoy this Memorial Day weekend. But take a moment to reflect on the loss and sacrifice so many have experienced. For the “living,” the pain never really goes away. Please tell everyone, “ Never forget.”
As for the 2/1?
We stand ready to serve for decades to come.
Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, Ga., May 29, 2021.
Georgia State Defense Force photo by Maj. James LeMay