Georgia State Defense Force Launches First Instagram Page
Georgia State Defense Force Launches First Instagram Page

The following is a Q&A from the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) Public Affairs Office.
1. When did GSDF launch an Instagram page?
The Public Affairs Office (PAO) launched a GSDF Instagram page—the organization’s first—on Saturday, January 16, 2021.
2. Why Instagram?
GSDF seeks to reach multiple audiences with its message.
PAO currently maintains the GSDF’s Facebook page. Facebook remains an effective tool, appealing to users of various ages.
Yet, Instagram followers skew younger. As of January 2021, 33.1 percent of U.S. Instagram users were between 25 and 34 years old, according to one source. The second-largest user group was 18 to 24-year-olds, with a 22.8 percent share. Overall, more than 56 percent of Instagram audiences in the United States were female.
Thus, a GSDF Instagram page allows the organization to reach an even wider audience, including social media enthusiasts in their 20s.
3. How did the idea originate?
PAO is always open to ideas that promote recruitment efforts.
PAO’s PFC Taryn Evans, who became a GSDF Soldier in 2020, broached Instagram as another social media option. Her idea gained immediate support from PAO Chief Capt. Michael Chapman and PAO Deputy Chief 2nd Lt. Beverly Shepard. PFC Evans worked with 2nd Lt. Shepard, who maintains the GSDF Facebook page, to bring the organization’s Instagram page to fruition.
4. Will GSDF follow other organizations on Instagram?
Yes, PAO will follow other military-oriented Instagram pages, such as the one maintained by the Georgia National Guard.
5. How do I follow GSDF on Instagram?
- Sign up for Instagram at
- If already signed up, log into
- Search for georgiastatedefenseforce (as one word) and follow!
Be sure to “like” the Georgia State Defense Force on Instagram!