Basic Officer Leadership Course Graduation
Basic Officer Leadership Course Graduation

Georgia State Defense Force Ceremony is First to Air on Facebook Live!
By 2nd Lt. Beverly Shepard and Pvt. Taryn Evans
In a ceremony formed by tradition and carried out with military precision, the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) graduated 12 candidates from the GSDF Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, Forsyth, Ga., August 9, 2020.
The class motto was “Strength Through Leadership.” Graduates included two captains (previously commissioned), two warrant officers, and eight officers.
GSDF Commander Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Blackstock Jr. was the ceremony’s guest speaker. GSDF Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Commander Col. Dennis Watts, TRADOC Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Allen Vance, Command Chief Warrant Officer Warrant Officer 4 Sam McCowan, and BOLC Officer in Charge Capt. Bob Burgess joined a limited number of Soldiers in attendance.
“The Soldiers in this class were enthusiastic and highly engaged,” Capt. Burgess said. “They demonstrated the desire and the resolve to acquire the knowledge and skills to serve as GSDF officers and warrant officers.”
COVID 19 Presents Challenges
This year’s BOLC class began in November 2019. Graduation plans had been set for June 2020.
But then came a pandemic—brought on by COVID-19, a disease caused by a novel coronavirus. On March 7, 2020, Georgia Governor Brian P. Kemp signed a public health state of emergency to address COVID-19 in the state.
COVID-19 presented challenges for this class. For example, cadre had begun conducting this class with a residency component at GPSTC. However, the advent of COVID-19 made online instruction a critical class component.
Class members readily adjusted.
“It brought us closer together because we were working hard to make sure we stayed connected and maintained the team dynamics,” said 2nd Lt. Guillermo Sadir, the graduate recipient of the Col. Timothy A. Bumann Leadership Award. “No matter how long it took, we were determined to complete the course.”
A First: GSDF Public Affairs Office (PAO) Airs Ceremony on Facebook Live
The pandemic also delayed the class graduation date—previously planned for June—until August. Due to coronavirus restrictions, the graduation would be limited to a few Soldiers. No family or friends could attend.
So instead of the traditional graduation, there was Facebook Live!
GSDF’s Public Affairs Office (PAO) aired the graduation ceremony on Facebook Live so that family, friends, and fellow Soldiers could watch it as it occurred. This marked the first time GSDF’s PAO aired a GSDF event on Facebook Live.
“PAO stands ready to serve and in this instance, with Facebook Live,” said Capt. Michael Chapman, GSDF Public Affairs Branch Chief. “This demonstrated teamwork and innovation on the part of PAO Soldiers in working with BOLC cadre to provide this coverage during COVID-19—a first for the GSDF Public Affairs Branch and a plus for family and friends who could not attend the graduation ceremony in person.”
BOLC Ceremony
Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) Commander Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Blackstock Jr. was guest speaker at the graduation ceremony for the GSDF Basic Officer Leadership Course, Georgia Public Safety Training Center, Forysth, Ga., August 9, 2020. Brig. Gen. Blackstock wore a mask as part of COVID-19 precautions.
Soldiers attending the ceremony underwent temperature checks, wore masks, practiced social distancing, and followed other COVID-19-related precautions.
During the ceremony, Brig. Gen. Blackstock spoke about the importance of teamwork and his own experience. He also commended BOLC cadre and graduates for their perseverance, especially given conditions surrounding the COVID-19 public health emergency.
“The members of this class have certainly seen their share of adversity, and their persistence and dedication to the GSDF is remarkable,” Brig. Gen. Blackstock said. “My hat’s off to them for their dedication and commitment to both the Georgia State Defense Force and the Soldiers they’ll be leading.”
At the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates lined up for the traditional “first salute.” While no one knows for certain where the tradition originated, some suggest that it was passed on from British regiment garrisons in the United States during the colonial era.
During BOLC, officer/warrant officer candidates receive training in officership, ethical leadership, GSDF operations and structure, search and rescue tactics, effective communication, military history, and field leadership applications. BOLC is designed to graduate officers and warrant officers who are the functional equivalent of their Georgia Army National Guard counterparts.
WO1 Juan Alonso………………………………………………. 5BDE
Capt. David Baker………………………………………………..JAG
Capt. Patricia daCosta ………………………………………….76th SPT BDE
WO1 Alexander Davidson …………………………………… HQ/HHC
2nd Lt. Jeffrey Gonzales ……………………………………… OPFOR
2nd Lt. John Grim…………………………………………………1BDE
2nd Lt. Richard Litchford………………………………………5BDE
2nd Lt. Melinda Pethel ………………………………………….TRADOC
2nd Lt. Anthony Rollins…………………………………………TRADOC
2nd Lt. Guillermo Sadir* ……………………………………….TRADOC
2nd Lt. David Strawn …………………………………………….OPFOR
2nd Lt. Warren Wood…………………………………………….5BDE
*Col. Timothy A. Bumann Leadership Award Winner
BOLC Cadre
Capt. Bob Burgess
2nd Lt. William Crawford
2nd Lt. Ed Knopick
WO1 David Maple
Georgia State Defense Force photo by Pvt. Oliver Price
As part of COVID-19 precautions, Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) graduates wear masks and practice social distancing. The BOLC graduation ceremony occurred at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center, Forsyth, Ga., August 9, 2020. The GSDF aired the ceremony on Facebook Live.