GSDF Provides Support To 78th Aviation Troop Command
GSDF Provides Support To 78th Aviation Troop Command

Soldiers from the 76th Support Brigade serve food at the GAARNG 78th Aviation Troop Command Family Day event.
Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta, Georgia, August 9, 2015, By PV2 Michael Chapman- Members of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) serve in different ways. Service can take many forms: a search and rescue mission, the color guard at a community event, or cleaning up after a natural disaster. Service may also be something as simple as preparing a meal for the family member of a Georgia National Guard Soldier. That is exactly what members of the GSDF 911th Support Battalion, 76th Support Brigade were called upon to do. The Georgia Army National Guard’s (GAARNG) 78th Aviation Troop Command (ATC) recently held a Family Day event, and GSDF Soldiers were called on to participate. The event was held at a lakeside pavilion on Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta.
GSDF Soldiers arrived prior to the start of Family Day in order to set up portable shelters, tables, benches, and other supplies, in addition to preparing the cooking area. During the event, GSDF Soldiers cooked and served food for members of the 78th ATC and their families. At the conclusion of Family Day, GSDF Soldiers disassembled and packed the equipment and supplies and removed trash from the site. Col. Eddie Williams, Commander of the GSDF 76th Support Brigade, said “fun was had by all” at the event. In recognition of the GSDF’s contribution, the 78th ATC has asked the GSDF Soldiers that supported the event to join in a formation with the 78th ATC during the unit’s next drill.
A Soldier from the 76th Support Brigade cooks food at the GAARNG 78th Aviation Troop Command Family Day event.
The 78th ATC is the GAARNG’s aviation branch and is home-based at Clay National Guard Center in Marietta. Consisting of over 500 pilots, aircrew, and maintenance and support personnel, the 78th ATC can support global combat operations as well as participate in state and national emergency events.
Soldiers from the 76th Support Brigade serve food at the GAARNG 78th Aviation Troop Command Family Day event.