GSDF Medical Emergencies Training
GSDF Medical Emergencies Training

PFC Kenyon Levine of the 911th, shown here, calling out vital signs as part of basic first aid skills training at Clay National Guard Center in Marietta. Photo by PV2 Alexander Davidson
Clay National Guard Center, Marietta, Georgia, June 7, 2015, By PV2 Beverly Shepard — The 911th Support Battalion, 76th Brigade of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) recently trained in basic first aid skills, while participating in mock scenarios of medical emergencies they could encounter in the field. The training helped prepare Soldiers of the 911th Battalion, who are often first responders, to assess and address medical emergencies until more experienced help arrives on the scene.
The unit trained in basic first aid skills — wound care, fractures, and litter carry. As part of the training, Soldiers of the 911th used radio to relay information, which provided them an opportunity to hone their communications skills.
Although the recent medical training focused on the 911th, Warrant Officer 2 Raymond Clunie, Alpha Medical Company, 132nd Medical Battalion, said he hoped to see other GSDF Soldiers participate in these types of hands-on, in-the-field scenarios, as well. Chief Clunie served as an observer for this weekend’s training.
Chief Medical Officer Specialist Jon Van Holm and Officer-in-Charge Lieutenant Randall Johnson were among those assisting with training.