Third Battalion/First Brigade Carry the Colors on Memorial Day
Third Battalion/First Brigade Carry the Colors on Memorial Day

Members of 3BN/1BDE present the colors to commence the 22nd Annual Memorial Day Parade in Dacula.
Dacula, Georgia, May 25, 2015, by SGT Lisa Kennedy – Members of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) Third Battalion/First Brigade participated in a Memorial Day Parade in Dacula, Georgia. The theme for 2015 parade was “They Gave Their Lives To Protect Their Country.” This was the 22nd annual Memorial Day Parade held in Dacula. Serving as Grand Marshal was Charles G. Mitchell, a U.S. Army Veteran of both World War II and the Korean War. The hour and a half parade included 154 entries featuring Veterans, Veterans organizations, active and reserve service men and women, active and restored military vehicles, marching bands, Scouts, churches, community groups, custom designed floats, local businesses, horses, antique cars, trucks, and tractors. Kicking off the parade was a flyover by a C-130 Hercules which wowed the crowd especially when it performed a second, unexpected flyover 1,000 feet above the spectators. Flying out of Dobbins Air Reserve Base, the 94th Airlift Wing and 700th Airlift Squadron executed the first ever flyover in the parade’s history. An estimated 15,000 spectators lined the route. The GSDF Third Battalion Color Guard presented the colors at the beginning of the parade and were followed by other battalion members as escorts. Along the route, spectators stood and cheered as the colors and Soldiers passed. Adults and children alike waved flags and shouted thanks in a gesture of patriotism. The mission of the Dacula Memorial Day parade is “To promote patriotism and encourage area citizens and businesses to participate in a celebration of our country’s freedom on Memorial Day by honoring all veterans, living and deceased, who have served their country paying the price of freedom.”