Operation Roughrider Colt
Operation Roughrider Colt

FORT STEWART, Georgia, April 22, 2015, by WO1 Howard Seay - Soldiers of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF) recently supported the Georgia Army National Guard’s “Roughriders” 1st Squadron 108th Cavalry Regiment – 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team in a multi-lane training exercise. GSDF personnel served as OPFOR (Opposing Force) troops.
MAJ Donald Lankford and MSG Steve Scruggs (both of 5th Brigade) acted as Officer in Charge (OIC) and Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) respectively for the mission. After careful coordination and planning with the 1st-108th’s CPT Constantine and LT Rybeck, GSDF troops executed an efficient multi-day exercise with varying roles, responsibilities, and tasks freeing up more of the National Guard’s Soldiers to participate in the training.
The night before the exercise began, GSDF officers and NCOs were selected as OPFOR Lane leaders and attended a mission brief at the field tactical operations center (TOC). During the brief, soldiers learned details of the various training lanes and met with their National Guard OC (observer controllers) counterparts.
Throughout the mission GSDF soldiers put in long hours and shifted from lane to lane to aid in accomplishment of tasks to meet the commander’s intent.
Soldiers of the National Guard 1st Squadron 108th Cavalry Regiment were very appreciative of the assistance provided by the GSDF.
In a brief ceremony at the conclusion of training, WO1 Daniel Mayer of G3, SSG Clinton Scott of TRADOC, and SGT Chris Treadwell of 5th Brigade were presented challenge coins by the commander of the 1st Squadron 108th Cavalry Regiment for their outstanding contributions to the mission’s success.
Photo by WO1 Howard Seay