Soldiers Receive Civil Disturbance Training
Soldiers Receive Civil Disturbance Training

SSG Chris Bagley of the 178th MP Company instructs GA AR NG and GSDF soldiers on defense tactics.
CLAY NATIONAL GUARD CENTER, Marietta, Georgia, July 12-13, 2014, By 2LT Ted Burzynski – Soldiers from the 1177th Transportation Company, Georgia Army National Guard and soldiers of the 5th Brigade Georgia State Defense Force participated in civil disturbance training in LaGrange, Georgia Saturday and Sunday July 12-13, 2014.
PFC Scotty Bible of 4th BN 5th Brigade holds the line.
Training was conducted to prepare Georgia Guardsmen and Soldiers of the Georgia State Defense for circumstances in which the training and skills would be beneficial in protecting the citizens of Georgia as well as property against a possible threat.
CPL Chris Treadwell assists in moving National Guard simulated casualty from the line.
SSG Chris Bagley of the 278th Military Police Company, Georgia Army National Guard located at Fort Gordon, Georgia assisted by Officer Wade Sheppard of the LaGrange Police Department conducted the training. For completing this block of training soldiers will receive a C-12 form POST certification for civil disturbance training.